Sunday, July 24, 2011

Old memories

I decided to clean me studio and found an old box full of patterns that my mother used. After going through them, I found some old wedding favor patterns. Some where so badly faded that I couldn't make out what was on them, but some of them where not that bad and still in her handwriting! So I decided to make a few of them, and after a while (They go so quickly!) I was sitting with a heap of crochet little baskets, cups and saucers, etc!

I had so much fun making them and so many happy memories (I usually helped my mother making them since I was 12/13 years old) that I decided to share them with you.

They were sugar starched and seeing that I do not have a lot of bits and pieces I only decorated a few.

Hope you like them to!
Some small butterflies

A butterfly as a place card holder

a small basket

small hat

cute cup and saucer

a small glass type of basket

Details on the hat

same hat, starched differently

details of hat